The University of Cape Coast was established in October 1962, primarily to serve as a leader in teacher education in the country. It was elevated to the status of a full and independent University by an Act of Parliament in 1971 (Act 390) and subsequently the University of Cape Coast Law 1992 (PNDC Law 278). It is an equal opportunity University, uniquely placed to provide quality education through the provision of comprehensive liberal and professional programmes that challenge learners to be creative, innovative and morally responsible citizens. The University of Cape Coast currently has a total student population of 70,300 comprising 21,617 Regular students, 8,152 Sandwich students and 40,531 Distance Leaming students.
Job Description
The Council of the University of Cape Coast invites applications from qualified and competent persons for the position of Vice Chancellor of the University which becomes vacant on 1st August, 2020.
The Position/ Functions
The Vice-Chancellor is, under the direction of the University Council, the Academic and Administrative Head, as well as Chief Disciplinary Officer of the University.
Tenure of Office
Conditions of Service
Qualification Required & Experience
Candidates must also show evidence of the following qualities:
Location: Cape Coast
How To Apply For The Job
The Chairman
Search Committee
(Post of Vice Chancellor)
c/o The Registrar
University of Cape Coast
Cape Coast – Ghana
The Chairman
Search Committee
(Post of Vice Chancellor)
C/o Universities of Ghana Overseas Office
321 City Road
London EC1V 11J
Candidates should request three (3) referees to submit reports on them directly to the above address.
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